Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ethical Dilemmas and Vocation in "The Awakening"

We've traveled through the novel together from the beginning. Even though I sort of skipped the last section for y'all (hey, I might go back and add it later! Don't hate me!) the meat of ethical dilemma has been adequately covered. So let's break it down. 

First ethical issue: Sanctity of Marriage

I mean, come on. You knew this one was coming. You can't discuss The Awakening without bringing up the question of adultery. Was Edna justified in falling in love with a man other than her husband? What about sleeping with another man? Should we take her marital unhappiness into account? What about her historical circumstances? 

Don't worry, Ron! I'm about to tell you.

First, you have to understand that I'm a feminist. I believe that men and women are fundamentally equal, and that any differences are socially constructed by our culture. I believe that women can do anything men can do. So when I read The Awakening, I do not read it as a contemporary reader of the novel would have read it. I read it from my own perspective. 

I think that marital infidelity is bad. Not the worst thing you can do, but not good, either. I think Edna's flaws are numerous: she is indecisive, sometimes self-absorbed, often too cowardly to communicate when she needs to. If she was a modern woman, I would tell her to break things off with Leonce before pursuing anything with another man. This certainly would have solved her problems; after all, at the end of the novel, Robert leaves her because she is married. 

However, I also urge the reader to take her circumstances into account. Sure, marital infidelity is wrong. But Edna didn't live in our society. She lived in a society that looked down on her and judged her for having another man walk into her house. A society that would have considered another woman guilty by association just for walking into Edna's house. Social customs did not allow women freedom. Women's roles were as mothers and wives; Madame Ratignolle is the poster child for this society's ideal domestic woman. 

Madame Ratignolle - domestic goddess.

What women do we see who are not married? Mademoiselle Reisz is the only one of note. She is the picture of Edna's life without love, without marriage even, or children. On the last pages of the novel, Edna realizes that even her love for Robert would soon fade, and that if she cannot be free in a world without love - if love is the only outlet she has for happiness - then she cannot ever be truly happy. She would become old, miserable, disagreeable, and lonely, like Mademoiselle Reisz. 

So can we justify Edna's actions? While I do not think they are ideal, I think the alternative is equally awful. For Edna to leave Leonce is unthinkable. And anyway, she essentially leaves him in every way she is able - she stops regarding him as her husband and moves out of the house. Her marital infidelity is certainly important, but it is not the most pressing ethical issue of the novel. It doesn't hold a candle to...

Second ethical issue: Patriarchy/Owning Oneself

The patriarchy is the root of all the evils of the novel. Let's face it - The Awakening is a feminist text. Just as Edna awakens to her new self, her sexual desires, and her need for agency and independence, Chopin asks us to awaken to the oppression of women in our society. 

Any of this sound familiar?

The beauty of how Chopin treats this issue lies in the disparity between Edna's actions and Edna's ability to gain full agency. On the surface, one can argue that Edna faces no real oppression: she does what she wants, goes where she wants, loves who she wants - she even moves into her own house. However, it is her children who will always hold her hostage. She loves her children, but she is not particularly good at being a mother. However, she can never be free to truly do whatever she wants because she must always think of her children - children she only had because her social role in the patriarchy is to get married and have children. 

Is Edna selfish? Of course it seems that way. Her actions are motivated by her desire to do what she wants. But that's the point - Edna realizes that she will never be able to be truly selfish. She must always live for her children. She loves them, even though she was coerced into having them by the social structures in place around her. She will always have to do exactly what she pledged she could never do - give up herself, her freedom, her desires, her independence, for her children. 

So no matter who she loves, she will never be free to act on that love. Not as long as she has the children to think of. 

Third ethical issue: Suicide

Since I didn't cover the last part of the novel with you, I owe it to you to let you know on the very last pages of the story, Edna returns to Grand Isle to commit suicide. After Robert leaves her, she reflects on the nature of happiness and fulfillment in her life. As I discussed above, Madame Ratignolle's entreaty "Remember the children" haunts Edna, and she realizes that they will never allow her to live, love, and do as she desires. Her love for her children will always tie her to them. She will always have to give herself up for them; her life and her society give her no option.

Edna swims out as far as she can into the ocean until she is too tired and too far out to swim back. 

Courtesy of a google image search for "woman in ocean"

This raises questions, of course, of the ethical legitimacy of suicide as an escape. Edna - as she well knows - has children to think of. I'm sure she considered that they didn't seem to ever really need her; they are relatively self-sufficient throughout the story, and though she loves them, she is never particularly attendant to them. Does her unhappiness and inability to gain total agency over herself justify her suicide? 

I believe that each individual has absolute rights over their own body. That's why you can't take organs from someone unless they're an organ donor. That's why you can't rape someone. Many people treat suicide as murder, but I think every individual has a right to do with their body and life what they want. 

Does Edna's suicide hurt other people? Of course. Our dear Monsieur will be without a wife; sadly, she has died without him ever truly knowing her. Her children are left without a mother or an explanation. The only person who may know why she killed herself is Robert, who loves her and will certainly be wracked with guilt for leaving her. But what could any of them have done? Edna is a slave to her social position. Realistically, her options were limited. Edna kills herself because she has no true escape from her unhappy life and no foreseeable way to become happy. 

Many critics of the story blame Edna for not being happy about being a mother. Her children, they believe, should be her true happiness. Those people have missed the point of the story. Not all women find fulfillment in their children. Some do, and Chopin is certainly not discrediting that - Madame Ratignolle is a fairy goddess of domesticity, she has a loving, mutually-respectful and fulfilling relationship with her husband. She loves her children and her life. But Edna is not Madame Ratignolle. She must fulfill her life by living her life to the fullest, and she simply cannot do that.

Application to Vocation 

I remember when I became a feminist. It was the weirdest thing - my whole life I knew I was a female. But for some reasons, issues of sexism felt distant to me. One day, during a lecture about feminism, I woke up. I turned on. My brain made the connection - these instances of sexism all around me? Those affect me. I am a woman. This oppression and misrepresentation had to do with me. I am not separate from this. 

Since that day, I have learned and observed everything I can about gender, gender roles, gender stereotypes, sexism, gender inequality, misogyny, misrepresentation, devaluing of women, violence toward women, rape culture, etc. I correct my boyfriend when he refers to a grown woman as "girl" on accident. I write dissertation-length explanations of sexism to explain to my friends and family why certain things are misrepresentative of or unfair toward women. Feminism matters to me because I want to be able to live a fulfilling life, to have the options Edna didn't have. 

Do I want to get married? Probably. Do I want to have kids? Most likely. Do I think those will make my life fulfilling? Not on their own. I need to be able to pursue my interests, my vocation as a teacher or land owner or horse-camp instructor or whatever I want to do. I need to be able to make decisions about my life independently. I need to have agency, and I need to fight for a world in which all women have agency. 

My vocation is to educate, and that means both in classrooms and in the world. I need to raise my (maybe) children to respect all people. I need to inform people of injustice and work toward fixing it. I need to spread the word and fight the good fight. 

I need to remember Edna. I need to hope no one ends up like her. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Week 3 - A Bird Uncaged

Hey-o! So you're probably thinking "Hey, you were supposed to post one of these each week. What gives?"

School, that's what...doesn't...give. I'm catching up now, okay? Cut me some slack - these are pretty in-depth posts. I mean, call me an overachiever, but I like to really get into this stuff. 

And by this stuff I mean Edna's BRAIN. 

...Or her story. That's cool, too. We left her soon after she determined to live for herself and be her own woman. The story has shifted from the timid Edna of the first part of our journey, to the conflicted but determined woman of the second part. Now, we see Edna truly embracing her own independence - and the good and bad things that come with it.



1. Summary: Chapters 20-29

This section of our journey begins with Edna visiting Mademoiselle Reisz. She's not entirely sure why, but for some reason, this dour, eccentric woman always makes her feel better. Maybe it has to do with the music she plays. Maybe it's because she speaks honestly, something a society woman like Edna isn't use to. Or maybe it has a liiittle bit to do with the fact that Robert is sending M. Reisz letters. Though Edna originally went to M. Reisz to hear her play music, which has always calmed her, once she figures out that Robert has been writing to the spinster, she spends time with her, in part, to feel a connection with Robert. Of course, she's annoyed that Robert isn't writing to her, but we'll find out why toward the end of this section of the book. 

Letter couldn't have been for me, could it? No, of course not.

First, Edna finds out Robert has written and sits in M. Reisz's apartment and sobs, while Mademoiselle plays the piano. Well, I mean, they talk and stuff first. 

Later, we see our lovely Monsieur Pontellier visiting the family doctor. He is concerned, you see, about Edna's mental health. He complains that she has been erratic and nonsensical since they returned from summer vacation. He doesn't know what to do about her lack of interest in the housekeeping. Of course, he says that she is being so contrary and he doesn't "want to quarrel or be rude to a woman . . . yet I'm driven to it" (because men don't have control over their actions, apparently) because "she's making it devilishly uncomfortable for me". (BOO HOO POOR BABY.) The doctor, a wise - though equally misogynistic - man tells him to leave her alone and let her do what she wants. She'll come around. 

"I...wait, what?"

Edna's father has been visiting. She and him attend many events together - dinners, events at the race track, soirees. Edna seems to enjoy spending more time around him than around Leonce, but not by much. During these outings, she makes many new friends, several of whom are male. She doesn't become attracted to them the way she was to Robert, but she enjoys the freedom of being in their company. 

One such dinner that occurs while her father is present is the dinner Leonce invited the doctor to when he visited him about Edna. The doctor does, indeed, notice a change in her. A perceptive old man, he guesses its reason. He leaves thinking "I hope to heaven it isn't Alcee Arobin." 

I'm sorry, Edna, I couldn't help it!

Edna refuses to attend her sister's wedding, the reason her father is returning home. He leaves, sure her sisters will never speak to her again. Leonce leaves shortly after, attending to some business in New York, but planning on stopping by the wedding to make excuses for his wife's absence. Edna is sad to see her husband and children leave (her kids are conveniently going to spend some time with Leonce's mother,) but once they are gone she feels relieved and alive. She wanders around her home, exploring each room as though she'd never been there before. She plays in the garden, hangs out with her kids' dog, eats a delicious meal alone, and then goes to bed, entirely content. 

A beautiful, child/husband-free day!

Chopin describes how Edna spends her time - mostly at the race tracks and out in society with some of her new friends, including the aforementioned Alcee Arobin. These two, in particular, become more and more close, spending much time in each others' company. The next several pages describe a few scenes in which they hang out, just the two of them. After a dramatic scene at her house in which the sexual tension is palpable, Edna becomes nervous and basically freaks out on him. He leaves and she reflects on the evening. She thinks about what she almost did and worries about what Robert (not Leonce) would feel about it. 

"Edna, WHY?! Why would you do this to us?!"

Later, Edna visits her old friend, Mademoiselle Reisz. She explains to her a plan she's concocted, to move out of her house into a smaller one down the street. She is excited about the prospect of living on her own. "I know I shall like it," she says, "like the feeling of freedom and independence." M. Reisz tells her she's had another letter from Robert. In the letter, he says he is coming back soon from Mexico. Edna is delighted, and M. Reisz decides it's time to have "that" talk - you know which one I mean. The "you love him, don't you?" talk. Edna finally admits it aloud that, yes, she loves Robert. 

She explains to M. Reisz why she loves Robert, to which M. Reisz responds "Because you do, in short." Edna isn't able to give any concrete reason for loving Robert (and not Leonce); she just DOES. 

Teehee - he's just so haaandsome!

That evening, Arobin comes over to spend time with her. They banter for a while, and then end up doing the nasty - if you know what I mean. 

The next short, critical chapter discusses Edna's feelings following her infidelity. We will dwell on that more later. Edna later begins to make preparations for her move into her new home without waiting to hear back from her husband on the matter. Arobin shows up again to help her with move. They discuss Edna's plans for an elaborate dinner (on Leonce's dime) to celebrate her new home. Edna is now on the brink of total independence, as we see her thriving in her newfound agency. 

2. Major Characters


In the first part of the second half of the book, Edna is fleshing out her independence and continuing to take total control over her own life. She chooses with whom she will spend her time, she decides what she will do with her time, she controls where she goes and when. Edna is by no means perfect - in her journey to gain agency over her own life, she does not learn to take responsibility for her flighty feelings. She fails to break off her marriage before engaging in extramarital sex with Alcee Arobin. She acts selfishly and cowardly. However, she is still a more complete person at this point in the story than she was as a shadow of a person, without any control or direction over her life and her role in the world. 

Additionally, at this point in the story, Edna learns more about herself than she has previously. She begins to pinpoint and identify her feelings and act on those feelings. She gains the courage to make hard decisions about her life, such as moving out of her house. Though Edna is not a complete and whole person yet, she is vastly more substantial than before.


...said Leonce Pontellier NEVER.

Leonce continues to be himself. He is perplexed by his wife, but leaves her alone for a while to visit New York. He stops by Edna's sister's wedding to make an appearance. He does nothing particularly significant except continue to be a burden to Edna's budding independence. 


Robert does basically nothing in this section, except write to say he's coming back from Mexico. I really just wanted an excuse to put another picture of this gorgeous man on're welcome. :)

Mademoiselle Reisz

"'re in love with another man. Oh, boy..."

Mademoiselle Reisz is actually quite crucial to this section of the story. She has become Edna's only real confidante. As Robert sends letters to Mademoiselle Reisz, Edna chooses to spend time with her. The connection M. Reisz strengthens between Edna and Robert extends beyond just delivering letters; Edna enjoys spending time with M. Reisz because of her music. The music M. Reisz plays is symbolic of the passion Edna feels for Robert. Also, Edna enjoys spending time with the old spinster because they are honest and open with each other. Mademoiselle Reisz recognizes and convinces Edna to admit her love for Robert. She is the only person to whom Edna tells her secret. 

Alcee Arobin

My head-canon for Alcee

Arobin is Edna's lover. Though he is handsome and charming, Edna does not fall in love with him. She still loves Robert, but as she continues to realize her own agency, she starts having intense sexual desires, which Arobin is more than willing to help her explore. Throughout their affair, Arobin expresses fondness for Edna, but he never tries to claim her as his own or control her. 

3. Favorite Quotations 

(pg. 115) Mademoiselle Reisz and Edna discuss artistry: 

[MR] "And, moreover, to succeed, the artist must possess the courageous soul." 
[E] "What to you mean by the courageous soul?"
[MR] "Courageous, ma foi! The brave soul. The soul that dares and defies."

(pg. 118) Leonce speaking about Edna to Doc Mandolet:

"She says a wedding is one of the most lamentable spectacles on earth. Nice thing for a women to say to her husband!"

(pg. 121)

"There were one or two men whom she observed at the soiree musicale; but she never would have felt moved to any kittenish display to attract their notice - to any feline or feminine wiles to express herself toward them. Their personality attracted her in an agreeable way." 

(pg. 123) Mandolet at dinner at the Pontelliers':

"[he] noted a subtle change which had transformed [Edna] from the listless woman he had known into a being who, for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of life. Her speech was warm and energetic. There was no repression in her glance or gesture. She reminded him of some beautiful, sleek animal waking up in the sun." 

Edna = adorable kitten. Wait...what...?

(pg. 124) On a story Edna relates at dinner:

"Perhaps it was a dream she had had. But every glowing word seemed real to those who listened. They could feel the hot breath of the Southern night; they could hear the long sweep of the pirogue through the glistening moonlit water, the beating of the birds' wings, rising startled from among the reeds in the salt-water pools; they could see the faces of the lovers, pale, close together, rapt in oblivious forgetfulness, drifting into the unknown." 

(pg. 127)

"Or else she stayed indoors and nursed a mood with which she was becoming too familiar for her own comfort and peace of mind. It was not despair; but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promise broken and unfulfilled. Yet there were other days when she listened, was led on and deceived by fresh promises which her youth held out to her." 

(pg. 131) Budding sexual tension between Edna and Arobin:

"He stood close to her, and the effrontery in his eyes repelled the old, vanishing self in her, yet drew all her awakening sensuousness. He saw enough in her face to impel him to take her hand and hold it while he said his lingering good night." 

(pg. 132) Edna's reflections upon almost kissing Arobin:

"She felt somewhat like a woman who in a moment of passion is betrayed into an act of infidelity, and realizes the significance of the act without being wholly awakened from its glamour. The thought was passing vaguely through her mind, 'What would he think?'

She did not mean her husband; she was thinking of Robert Lebrun. Her husband seemed to her now like a person whom she had married without love as an excuse."

(pg. 133) Continued sexual tension between Edna and Arobin:

"They became intimate and friendly by imperceptible degrees, and then by leaps. He sometimes talked in a way that astonished her at first and brought the crimson into her face; in a way that pleased her at last, appealing to the animalism that stirred impatiently within her." 


(pg. 135) Edna reflecting on discussing her move with Leonce:

"She did not how know it would be when he returned. There would have to be an understanding, an explanation. Conditions would some way adjust themselves, she felt; but whatever came, she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself."

(pg. 136-37) Mademoiselle Reisz and Edna discussing love:

[E] " 'do you suppose a woman knows why she loves? Does she select? Does she say to herself: 'Go to! Here is a distinguished statesmen with presidential possibilities; I shall proceed to fall in love with him.' [. . .] '

[MR] '[. . .] Are you in love with Robert?'

'Yes,' said Edna. It was the first time she had admitted it, and a glow overspread her face, blotching it with red spots. 

'Why?' asked her companion. 'Why do you love him when you ought not to?' [. . .]

'Why? Because his hair is brown and grows away from his temples; because he opens and shuts his eyes, and his nose is a little out of drawing; because he has two lips and a square chin, and a little finger which he can't straighten from having played baseball too energetically in his youth. Because - '

'Because you do, in short,' laughed Mademoiselle."

(pg. 137) Edna, on herself: 

" 'One of these days,' she said, 'I'm going to pull myself together for a while and think - try to determine what character of a woman I am; for, candidly, I don't know. By all the codes which I am acquainted with, I am a devilishly wicked specimen of the sex. But some way I can't convince myself that I am."

Reflecting on her visit with M. Reisz:

" . . . when I left her to-day, she put her arms around me and felt my shoulder blades, to see if my wings were strong, she said. 'The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.' "

Let's hope this isn't foreshadowing...

(pg. 139) Edna and Arobin:

"When he leaned forward and kissed her, she clasped his head, holding his lips to hers. 

It was the first kiss of her life to which her nature had really responded. It was a flaming torch that kindled desire."

This gif - I had to.

I leave you on that sexy, sexy note! Y'all have a loooovely day/night and I'll see you next week. :)